Don’t Know What to Play? Put Your Worry Away and Try Dreaming

Musical Dreaming – it’s a practice that I took part in, but had never really considered until some great chats with my old friend John Donahue.

I think about John and his musical dreaming a lot when I meet with frustrated students. 

They wanted to play more. They’re just too busy. They’re frustrated with the pace of their progress. They’re overwhelmed and don’t know what to practice.

I get it. I feel that way about music all the time. Thankfully, I’ve developed some strategies to get me out of such a funk and this is one of them.

Next time you don’t know what to play, or are bored or frustrated with the same old songs, try some dreaming. 

The video is the best description I can make of this process.  I’ve also made a .pdf that has some drawings that can be useful, but there’s very little instruction on it.

I hope you find this useful.

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