Getting to Know Trees is my attempt at pulling all of my creative energies together.

But, my main area of expertise is gathering people to celebrate the joys of music.  You can learn about my music classes, how I can help you build a musical community in your area and listen to my original music at

I am available for a free consultation regarding lessons for you or for someone in your life. Visit the Online Lessons page to learn more.

“[Jason] is downright astonishing at bringing families together around music in a fun, educational and inclusive way.” – Sue Demel, songwriter, Sons of the Never Wrong

“Jason made me feel like I can sing my soul!” – Alyssa, 3rd grade

 “[Jason] taught me that music is a community of people brought together by their love of music.” – Charlie, 6th grade

“Jason is a thoughtful teaching artist, an effective leader of youth, an inspiration to his peers, and an intuitive builder of community through the arts” – Erin Flynn, Program Manager, Kids Music at the Old Town School of Folk Music

For the
Curious & Creative

The Getting to Know Trees Newsletter 

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