No school today? Then, let’s go visit Ella Jenkins!
Eventually, something inside me clicked and I thought, “Oh. The kids don’t have school. We should go visit Ella!”
Eventually, something inside me clicked and I thought, “Oh. The kids don’t have school. We should go visit Ella!”
Jess Baldissero is not only a good friend, she is one of my favorite songwriters. I was honored that she sat with me earlier in the week to discuss the discoveries and accidents of the creative process. We shared some laughs, talked about good times and hard times and we each played a few songs. Audio and Video Audio Only Getting to Know Trees knowingtrees.com · Songwriters' Exchange with Jason McInnes and Jess Baldissero Three tracks from The Hermit, my debut solo album are streaming during the pre-order period. The full album will be released June 28, 2024 on Bandcamp. http://joybird.bandcamp.comPick up Jess’s music, featuring her band Joybird, at Bandcamp also.
“The Hermit chronicles a journey. These instrumentals, played on acoustic guitar, banjo and other acoustic instruments, combined with poetry and accompanying artwork expresses a stepping away from an established, but unstable and consumptive, life path onto the ultimately more stable, yet unknowable trail of accepted impermanence.” Read more about the album and listen to preview tracks now at jasonmcinnes.bandcamp.com.
Jason’s new album, The Hermit, will be released on Friday, June 28. But, you can join in a world-wide listening party to celebrate The Hermit the day before. Come along to listen to the music with the artist and chat about the making of the album. Click to RSVP
Join Jess and Jason for an intrepid discussion about the accidents, discoveries, breaking apart and gluing together involved in the creative process and songwriting in particular. Registration is free, but is required.Register at https://www.knowingtrees.com/storeYou’ll receive an email with the Zoom link for the discussion. Find Jess’ music at https://joybirdmusic.bandcamp.com/ Find Jason’s music at https://jasonmcinnes.bandcamp.com/
It was standing room only at Books on the Bosque yesterday for the launch of Bosque Press‘ ABQ inPrint #7. Grace was one of about 15 writers who read part or all of their piece which is published in this years’ edition. She wrote about meeting famed Chicago muralist Hector Duerte. The piece which she speaks about, Corazón Remendado (Stitched Heart), can be seen here. Thank you to everyone at Bosque Press and Books on the Bosque for creating such a welcoming, inspiring event.
I think probably everybody has some sort of healing dream. And so as you journey through the different songs, maybe little, little parts of the dream are falling into place or coming true.
. . . standing backstage at our album release show and hearing the sold-out crowd stomping and chanting,
“It’s a Gril! It’s a Girl! It’s a Girl!”
This is the piece which I alluded to in previous blog post about practicing my greyscale skills.
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