Welles Park original map


Graphic with guitar, banjo, piano and fiddle. Text matches the event description.

Christmas Sing-and-Play-Along at the tiny grocer

Christmas Sing-and-Play-Along at the tiny grocer Dec. 21, 2:00 to 4:00PM. Join educator and resident musician from the tiny grocer Community Supper, Jason McInnes, for a spirited sing-and-play-along. Songs sheets will be provided.  All experience levels, especially beginners, are welcome. Grab your guitars, fiddles, whistles, banjos, trumpets, drums, voices or anything else and join us for a fa-la-la-la-lot of laughter and music on the patio.


Songwriters’ Exchange with Jason & Jess – Replay from June 18, 2024

Jess Baldissero is not only a good friend, she is one of my favorite songwriters. I was honored that she sat with me earlier in the week to discuss the discoveries and accidents of the creative process. We shared some laughs, talked about good times and hard times and we each played a few songs.     Audio and Video Audio Only Getting to Know Trees knowingtrees.com · Songwriters' Exchange with Jason McInnes and Jess Baldissero Three tracks from The Hermit, my debut solo album are streaming during the pre-order period. The full album will be released June 28, 2024 on Bandcamp. http://joybird.bandcamp.comPick up Jess’s music, featuring her band Joybird, at Bandcamp also.