Welles Park original map


World-Wide Listening Party for The Hermit

Jason’s new album, The Hermit, will be released on Friday, June 28. But, you can join in a world-wide listening party to celebrate The Hermit the day before. Come along to listen to the music with the artist and chat about the making of the album. Click to RSVP

Title card for "A Soft Place to Land" by Kevin Burrows.
Jason's Journal Entries

Landing Softly

It’s been three years since I left my home of the previous 25 years and drove this Uhaul trailer into the great unknown. During that time, as I laid my head down on my pillow, I heard the roaring wind and crashing waves on the Lake Superior coast and the sand-filled gales and coyotes howl in the foothills of the Chihuahuan Desert. The winds of change have been heaving me along the highway for a long time. Now, it’s time to settle back down. A few weeks ago I was packing up another Uhaul to make a move which I know would bring me to a lull in the vigorous wind gusts. My friend, Kevin Burrows, wrote a short piece on social media which summed up exactly how I am feeling, as the winds die down and I settle into my new home. I am honored that he agreed to allow me to share it with you. Where have you been blown from? Where did you get blown to? Did you find a soft place to land?